Eco-Economy Updates are
released as new developments and initiatives occur. They focus on
trends affecting progress toward an eco-economy.
31 March 2008
The End of an Era: Closing the Door on Building New Coal-fired Power Plants in America
11 December 2008
Creating New Jobs, Cutting Carbon Emissions, and Reducing Oil Imports by Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
19 November 2008
Run Cars on Green Electricity, Not Natural Gas
28 October 2008
The Flawed Economics of Nuclear Power
15 October 2008
New Energy Economy Emerging in the United States
9 October 2008
Rising Seas and Powerful Storms Threaten Global Security
2 September 2008
Want a Better Way to Power Your Car? It's a Breeze
19 August 2008
World Geothermal Power Generation Nearing Eruption
22 July 2008
Solar Thermal Power Coming to a Boil
16 April 2008
World Facing Huge New Challenge on Food Front: Business-as-Usual Not a Viable Option
20 March 2008
Melting Mountain Glaciers Will Shrink Grain Harvests in China and India
14 February 2008 & 2 April 2008
U.S. Moving Toward Ban on New Coal-Fired Power Plants & Timeline for The Beginning of the End for Coal
24 January 2008
Why Ethanol Production Will Drive World Food Prices Even Higher in 2008
7 December 2007
Bottled Water Boycotts – Back-to-the-Tap Movement Gains Momentum
15 November 2007
Is World Oil Production Peaking?
9 May 2007
Ban the Bulb: Worldwide Shift from Incandescents to Compact Fluorescents Could Close 270 Coal-Fired Power Plants
21 March 2007
Massive Diversion of U.S. Grain to Fuel Cars is Raising World Food Prices
7 March 2007
Water Prices Rising Worldwide
4 January 2007
Distillery Demand for Grain to Fuel Cars Vastly Understated: World May Be Facing Highest Grain Prices in History
14 December 2006
Santa Claus is Chinese - Or - Why China is Rising and the United States is Declining
15 November 2006
The Earth Is Shrinking: Advancing Deserts and Rising Seas Squeezing Civilization
3 November 2006
Exploding U.S. Grain Demand for Automotive Fuel Threatens World Food Security and Political Stability
4 October 2006
U.S. Population Reaches 300 Million, Heading for 400 Million: No Cause for Celebration
29 August 2006
Hurricane Damages Soar to New Levels: Insurance Companies Abandoning Homeowners in High-Risk Coastal Areas
16 August 2006
Global Warming Forcing U.S. Coastal Population to Move Inland: An Estimated 250,000 Katrina Evacuees are Now Climate Refugees
28 July 2006
Setting the Record Straight: More than 52,000 Europeans Died from Heat in Summer 2003
13 July 2006
Supermarkets and Service Stations Now Competing for Grain
11 May 2006
Let's Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes
3 May 2006
U.S. Mayors Respond to Washington Leadership Vacuum on Climate Change
22 March 2006
Wind Energy Demand Booming: Cost Dropping Below Conventional Sources Marks Key Milestone in U.S. Shift to Renewable Energy
2 February 2006
Bottled Water:
Pouring Resources Down the Drain
7 December 2005
Empty Skies: World's Birds at Risk
29 June 2005
Ethanol's Potential: Looking Beyond Corn
9 May 2005
Oil and Food: A Rising Security Challenge
7 April 2005
Disappearing Lakes, Shrinking Seas
9 March 2005
Learning from China: Why the Western Economic Model Will Not Work for the World
16 February 2005
China Replacing the United States as World's Leading Consumer
27 October 2004
Foreign Policy Damaging U.S. Economy
13 October 2004
The Short Path to Oil Independence
24 August 2004
Coal Takes Heavy Human Toll
16 June 2004
Dead Zones Increasing in the World's Coastal Waters
5 May 2004
World Food Security Deteriorating
April 2004
World Food Prices Rising
14 April 2004
Saudis Have U.S. Over a Barrel
8 April 2004
Europe Leading World Into Age
of Wind Energy
10 March 2004
China's Shrinking Grain Harvest
2 March 2004
The Sixth Great Extinction
18 February 2004
U.S. Leading World Away from Cigarettes
28 January 2004
Troubling New Flows of Environmental Refugees
22 January 2004
Glaciers and Sea Ice Endangered by Rising Temperatures
16 December 2003
Wakeup Call on the Food Front
3 December 2003
Coal: U.S. Promotes While Canada and Europe Move Beyond
9 October 2003
Record Heat Wave in Europe Takes 35,000 Lives
17 September 2003
World Facing Fourth Consecutive Grain Harvest Shortfall
27 August 2003
Record Temperatures Shrinking World Grain Harvest
5 August 2003
China Losing War with Advancing Deserts
16 July 2003
Other Fish in the Sea, But For How Long?
25 June 2003
Wind Power Set to Become World's Leading Energy Source
27 March 2003
Deserts Advancing, Civilization Retreating
13 March 2003
World Creating Food Bubble Economy Based on Unsustainable Use of Water
January 2003
Population Growth Leading to Land Hunger
11 December 2002
Global Temperature Near Record for 2002
October 2002
Fuel Cell-Powered Cars Hitting the Road Ahead of Schedule
15 October 2002
Sterilization is World's Most Popular Contraceptive Method
17 September 2002
Air Pollution Fatalities Now Exceed
Traffic Fatalities by 3 to 1
August 2002
Rising Temperatures & Falling
Water Tables Raising Food Prices
6 August 2002
Water Deficits Growing in Many
25 July 2002
Restructuring Taxes to Protect
the Environment
17 July 2002
Turning to Bicycle for Mobility and Exercise
12 June 2002
of Solar Cells Take Off
21 May 2002
Logging Threatens Ecological and Economic Stability
17 April 2002
York: Garbage Capital of the World
April 2002
Power Purchases Growing by Leaps and Bounds
March 2002
Ice Melting Faster Than Projected
March 2002
Closest Relatives are Disappearing
February 2002
Rangelands Deteriorating Under Mounting Pressure
January 2002
Wind Generating Capacity Jumps 31 Percent in 2001
December 2001
Iran's Birth Rate Plummeting
at Record Pace
December 2001
Year May be Second Warmest on Record
November 2001
Grain Harvest Falling Short by 54 Million Tons: Water Shortages
Contributing to Shortfall
November 2001
Sea Level Forcing Evacuation of Island Country
October 2001
Water Shortages Threaten China's Food Security
31 May 2001
Power: The Missing Link in the Bush Energy Plan
23 May 2001
Bowl Threatening Chinas Future
Updates ...) |

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