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List of Eco-Economy Updates continued from page 1.

14 February, 2001
Paving the Planet: Cars and Crops Competing for Land

19 December 2000
Obesity Epidemic Threatens Health in Exercise-Deprived Societies

31 October 2000
HIV Epidemic Restructuring Africa’s Population

3 October 2000
Fish Farming May Soon Overtake Cattle Ranching As a Food Source

8 September 2000
OPEC Has World Over a Barrel Again

29 August 2000
Climate Change Has World Skating On Thin Ice

25 July 2000
The Rise and Fall of the Global Climate Coalition

18 July 2000
Africa Is Dying — It Needs Help

21 June 2000
Population Growth Sentencing Millions to Hydrological Poverty

7 June 2000
U.S. Farmers Double Cropping Corn and Wind Energy

10 May 2000
World Kicking the Cigarette Habit

2 May 2000
Falling Water Tables In China May Soon Raise Food Prices Everywhere


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