EPIBuilding a Sustainable Future
Lester R. Brown

Supporting Data


Note: Plan B 4.0 was published in late 2009. For updated datasets, please visit the Data Center.

See Data for Chapters:

1 - Selling Our Future

2 - Population Pressure: Land and Water

3 - Climate Change and the Energy Transition

4 & 5 - Stabilizing Climate: An Energy Efficiency Revolution & Shifting to Renewable Energy

6 - Designing Cities for People

7 - Eradicating Poverty and Stabilizing Population

8 - Restoring the Earth

9 - Feeding Eight Billion People Well

10 - Can We Mobilize Fast Enough?

Chapter 1 Data: Selling Our Future ( XLS | PDF | Highlights )

Top 20 Failing States, 2008

Demographic Data for Leading Failing States, 2008

Annual Consumption of Key Resources in China and U.S., Latest Year, with Projections for China to 2024 Compared to Current World Production

Undernourishment in the World and in Selected Groups and Regions, 2009

Undernourishment in the World, 1969-2009

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Chapter 2 Data: Population Pressure: Land and Water ( XLS | PDF | Highlights

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2009

World Grain Consumption and Stocks, 1960-2009

Wheat-Oil Exchange Rate, 1950-2008

Wheat Production in Saudi Arabia, 1960-2009, with Projection to 2016

Grain Harvested Area Per Person in Selected Countries and the World in 1950 and 2000, with Projection to 2050 

U.S. Corn Production and Use for Fuel Ethanol, 1980-2009

Countries Overpumping Aquifers in 2009 

World Irrigated Area and Irrigated Area Per Thousand People, 1950-2007

World Population of Cattle, Sheep, and Goats, 1961-2007 

Livestock and Human Populations in Africa, 1961-2007 

Livestock and Human Populations in Nigeria, 1961-2007 

Livestock and Human Populations in China, 1961-2007 

World Total and Per Person Wild Fish Harvest, 1950-2007 

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Chapter 3 Data: Climate Change and the Energy Transition ( XLS | PDF ) 

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, 1000-2008

Global Average Temperature, 1880-2008

Natural Disasters with Billion Dollar Insured Losses

World Oil Production, 1950-2008

World’s 20 Largest Oil Discoveries

Oil Production in the United States, 1900-2008

Coal Consumption in Selected Countries and the World, 1980-2008

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Ice Melting
Chapters 4 & 5 Data: Stabilizing Climate: An Energy Efficiency Revolution & Shifting to Renewable Energy ( XLS | PDF ) 


World Primary Energy Demand in 2006, with IEA Projection for 2008 and 2020

World Electricity Demand in 2006, with IEA Projection for 2008 and 2020

World Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion in 2006, with IEA Projection for 2008 and 2020

Energy Savings from Plan B Efficiency Improvements, 2020

World Power and Energy from Renewables in 2008 and Plan B Goals for 2020

World Energy Consumption in 2008 and Plan B Goals for 2020

U.S. Electricity Generating Capacity in 2008 and Plan B Goals for 2020 

World Energy Growth Rates by Source, 2000-2008

Average Capacity Factors for Selected Electric Power Sources in the United States


World Electricity Consumption for Lighting by Sector and Potential Electricity Savings, 2005

Potential Worldwide Electricity Savings by Switching to More-Efficient Lighting and Implementing System Control Technologies, 2005

Energy Savings from Plan B Efficiency Improvements, 2020


World Installed Wind Electricity-Generating Capacity, 1980-2008

Cumulative Installed Wind Electricity-Generating Capacity in Leading Countries and the World, 1980-2008

U.S. Cumulative Installed Wind Electricity-Generating Capacity, 1980-2008
SOLAR XLS | PDF | Highlights

World Solar Photovoltaics Production, 1975-2008

Annual Solar Photovoltaics Production by Country, 1995-2008

U.S. Solar Photovoltaics Production, 1976-2008

World Solar Photovoltaics Installations, 1998-2008

Annual Installed Solar Photovoltaics Capacity in Selected Countries and the World, 1998-2008

Cumulative Installed Solar Photovoltaics Capacity in Ten Leading Countries and the World, 2008

World Installed Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Capacity, 1980-2007

World’s Top Ten Largest Proposed Concentrating Solar Thermal Projects as of June 2008

Solar Water and Space Heating Area in Selected Countries and the World, Total and Per Person, 2007

Cumulative Installed Solar Water and Space Heating Capacity in Ten Leading Countries and the World, 2007


World Cumulative Installed Geothermal Electricity-Generating Capacity, 1950-2009

Cumulative Installed Geothermal Electricity-Generating Capacity by Country, 1990-2007

U.S. Cumulative Installed Geothermal Electricity-Generating Capacity, 1990-2009

Confirmed U.S. Geothermal Projects Under Development as of March 2009


World Hydroelectric Consumption, 1965-2008

U.S. Hydroelectric Consumption, 1965-2008

Hydroelectric Consumption in China, 1965-2008
Solar Panels

BIOFUELS XLS | PDF | U.S. Highlights )

World Annual Fuel Ethanol Production, 1975-2009

U.S. Annual Fuel Ethanol Production, 1978-2009

World Annual Biodiesel Production, 1991-2009

U.S. Annual Biodiesel Production, 2000-2009


World Natural Gas Consumption, 1965-2008

U.S. Natural Gas Consumption, 1965-2008

Natural Gas Consumption in China, 1965-2008


World Oil Production, 1950-2008 

World’s 20 Largest Oil Discoveries

U.S. Oil Consumption, 1965-2008

Oil Consumption in China, 1965-2008


Coal Consumption in Selected Countries and the World, 1980-2008


World Cumulative Installed Nuclear Electricity-Generating Capacity, 1970-2008


World Energy Profile ( XLS | PDF )

United States Energy Profile ( XLS | PDF )

China Energy Profile ( XLS | PDF | Highlights )

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Chapter 6 Data: Designing Cities for People XLS | PDF | Highlights )

Megacities: Population in 1950, 2007, and Projection for 2015

World Urban and Rural Populations, 1950-2007, with Projection to 2030

Change in Inbound Traffic Following London Congestion Charge, 2002 to 2007

World Bicycle and Passenger Car Production, 1950-2007

Passenger Car and Total Vehicle Sales in Japan, 1955-2009

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Chapter 7 Data: Eradicating Poverty & Stabilizing Population ( XLS | PDF | Highlights )

World Population, 1950-2008

World Population, 1950-2008, with Projections to 2050

Life Expectancy for the World and Selected Regions, 1950-2005, with Projection to 2050

Gross Domestic Product for China and India, 1980-2008

Per Capita Gross Domestic Product for China and India, 1980-2008

Global Wild Poliovirus Cases, 1985-2008

Leading Causes of Death in the World, 2004

Official Development Assistance from Development Assistance Committee Members, 1960-2008

Population Living Below $1.25 Per Day in Selected Countries and Regions, 1990-2007

Plan B Budget: Additional Annual Funding Needed to Reach Basic Social Goals

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Chapter 8 Data: Restoring the Earth ( XLS | PDF )

Extent of No-Tillage Agriculture Worldwide

Paper Recycling Rates for Top Ten Paper Producing Countries and the World

World Wood Production, 1961-2007

Wood Production in Africa, 1961-2007

Wood Production in Asia, 1961-2007

Wood Production in Europe, 1961-2007

Wood Production in North and Central America, 1961-2007

Wood Production in Oceania, 1961-2007

Wood Production in South America, 1961-2007

Plan B Budget: Additional Annual Funding Needed to Restore the Earth

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Chapter 9 Data: Feeding Eight Billion People Well XLS | PDF | Highlights )

Undernourishment in the World and in Selected Groups and Regions, 2009

Undernourishment in the World, 1969-2009

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2009

World Average Grain Yields, 1950-2009

World Grain Yields, Annual Percent Increase by Decade, 1950-2009

Milk Production in India and the United States, 1961-2007

World Animal Protein Production, 1961-2007

World Soybean Production, 1964-2009

World Fertilizer Consumption, 1950-2008

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Chapter 10 Data: Can We Mobilize Fast Enough? XLS | PDF )

Plan B Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions and Sequestration in 2020

Plan B Budget: Additional Annual Expenditures Needed to Meet Social Goals and to Restore the Earth

Military Budgets by Country and for the World in 2008 and Plan B Budget

The Real Price of Gasoline, 2007 Update

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Note on file format (XLS):

Data for each chapter is saved in a Microsoft Excel workbook. MS Excel is spreadsheet software that allows users to manipulate and view numerical data.  To use these data files, we recommend that you save them on your computer and then open with MS Excel. They can also be viewed in your web browser. If other spreadsheet software is used to view files, the original formatting may not be retained. Each chapter’s dataset opens to an Index page listing all the files available for the chapter. Click on the linked titles to move to a particular data table, or browse by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the screen. Use the tabs to view graphs.

Note on file format (PDF):

Full chapter datasets are also saved as PDFs for easy viewing and printing. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be used to view PDFs. It can be downloaded for free from http:/get.adobe.com/reader.

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