Friday, May 07, 2010
Stockholm. The capital of Sweden and a city of which 30 percent is comprised of waterways and 30 percent of parks and green spaces. Just 40 percent for buildings, motorways, etc. What a lovely balance.
Lester Brown has now landed in this lovely city where Lars and Doris Almström have planned a few days of outreach for the Swedish edition of Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization.Lars and Doris are an indefatigable team. A few years ago, like a number of other people, they answered Lester’s call in Plan B to become active. Inspired by the book and wanting to get a Plan B economy moving in Sweden, they translated Plan B 2.0 into Swedish and posted it online for free electronic downloading on a Web site they established to promote the Earth Policy Institute’s work.
While they were busy translating Plan B 3.0, they partnered with an excellent publisher, Addera Förlag AB. By this time, they had both retired from their full time jobs and were now engaged full time in disseminating Plan B. They revamped their website and offered Plan B 3.0 for free downloading.
As mentioned in the previous blog, the Norwegian publisher, Olav Randen of Boksmia, contracted to publish Plan B 3.0 mere months before Lester was scheduled to launch the Swedish edition. Doris and Lars sent him their manuscript, which he was able to use to quickly produce his excellent Norwegian translation.
With Plan B 4.0, Doris and Lars once again provided an excellent translation and have made the book available for free electronic downloading and for sale. They have also set up a program of activities while Lester is in Stockholm that is designed to reach as broad an audience as possible, having already made inroads into getting the book into classrooms.
With more people like Doris and Lars, we know a Plan B world is close at hand.
Reah Janise Kauffman
Vice President
P.S. Next ... Rotterdam and Italy!
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