EPIBuilding a Sustainable Future

Released 2003

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Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

Lester R. Brown

Table of Contents
(Chapters available in PDF and html.)

Plan B Team
(People who have purchased 5 or more copies.)

International Publishers

Unsolicited Comments from Readers

Press Release


"It's exciting ... a masterpiece!" —Ted Turner

"Put Plan B in your 'A' list." —Business Line, New Delhi

"...outstanding. We all really appreciate what you contribute so strongly to the betterment of our Planet!" —Peter Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden

"...should be required reading to live on our planet." —John Curington

"The future might judge this book the most important ever to be written, and we strongly encourage you to get and read it." —The Michael Consulting Group newsletter

"This is one of the most important books of our time." —Dennis Morrison, InterSAN, Inc.


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