EPIBuilding a Sustainable Future

"Dr. Lester Brown is one of the most important voices in the world, regarding the creation of a new conscience of humanity toward a sustainable society." - Jose Jaime Maussan

"Keep up the good work! Some of us are getting in the habit of relying on you all for valuable information and solid analysis."
–Eric Britton, The New Mobility Agenda

“…a small think tank with a knack of spotting new trends…” –
Geoffrey Lean, Telegraph.co.uk

"Thank you very much for these updates. They are the most important emails I receive."
-Richard Brummel

"I first picked up Plan B 2.0 in 2006 and have never looked back.  Ever since then I have devoured many more books, newspaper articles, magazines and anything else I could find on the subject of sustainability.  More than anything, your book piqued my interest in renewable energy - so much so, that last year I enrolled in the Leeds School of Business in Colorado as an MBA candidate earning my Graduate Energy Certificate with a focus in renewable energy.  This summer I will be working with a renewable energy company as an intern and upon graduation will start a career in the industry.  All because of one book - your book.  My goal now is to make the same positive impact on the world that your book made on me." Pete Shepherd

"Thanks to you and Lester and your colleagues for providing the kind of inspiration and leadership the world so desparately needs."
Geoffrey Holland, theh2age.com

"I just have to tell you of my longtime admiration for the writing of Lester Brown (and others on your staff). It is always so positive, informed and offering the finest of constructive suggestions for change. How wonderful to feel such hope when so much around us pulls us into darkness." –
Mickey Morgan, Karma Press

"Your work is so important. In the past year, related to ethanol from corn, merchandise from China, and other subjects, I've often told people, 'That's what Earth Policy Institute predicted would happen.'" David Wann, co-author of Affluenza

"... the most important voice of our time."
Judy Hyde, Quaker activist

"I find the publications of EPI very useful as teaching material. We have no access to many textbooks on the subject. I am, therefore, requesting your permission to make copies of your publications available on the EPI web site for educational use. We may even use the material in compiling a reader for the post-graduate students."
Ali Ayoub, Ahfad University, Sudan

"I am always impressed with EPI’s news for its clarity and economy."
Scott T. Edmondson, AICP

"Thanks a million (now billion); you're the greatest." –Eric Gooch

"Your books and articles are excellent resources for stimulating lively and insightful class discussions, and also give our students exposure to international issues that directly impact their lives."
Keith Cooper, Dean of Research, Cook College, Rutgers University

"Lester Brown's series of Plan B books should be required reading for all undergraduates interested in envrionmental issues." –Godfrey Roberts, Professor, New York University


"If people in Congress would quit protecting client industries and squirming over polls and just listen to straight-talking Cassandras like Brown, we might stand a chance of averting climate/food disaster."
–Tom Philpott, Grist

"4.0 is the best yet! If there are planetary heroes, you are top of my list." –David Orr, Oberlin College

"If you want to know the future of Planet Earth, there is one good place to look. It is a book entitled 'Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to save Civilization.'" —Bill Boyne, Post-Bulletin


“Thank you for sharing your insights with our community.” –Greg Dalton, The Commonwealth Club of California

“It is always a pleasure to have you address our members and guests.” –Ned Hawkins, World Affairs Council of Northern California

“…a well-deserved standing ovation.” –Edward Wolf

“We’d love to have you out this way again.” –Peter Schoonmaker, Illahee

”... awesome. ... While any speech from Lester is bound to be inspiring and relevant, one thing about today’s talk that was particularly important is the new information about adoption of renewable power in places like Texas, China, and N. Africa.” –Scott Lewis, BrightWorks

“Your talk was timely, motivational and inspirational.” –Barbara J. Lither, David Bray, and Melanie Wood, EPA, Region 10

“A ‘wow’ moment for EPA Region 10! Thank you.” –Dave Upulek, EPA, Region 10

“You are a great inspiration.” –Rick Albright, EPA, Region 10

“Thanks for delivering a much needed message in a clear way.” –Don Martin, EPA, Region 10

“Thank you for your outstanding lecture at the University of Minnesota. … It was truly inspiring.” –Jonathan Foley, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota

“…a memorable occasion…” –Diane Ross

“Our guests, tenants, and staff were delighted to have the chance to share your time and expertise. … You are helping the Alliance fulfill its mission of advancing sustainability through collaboration.” –John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado

“It was a pleasure hearing you speak last night at CU Boulder. You’ve inspired me to get back to work writing letters to the editor about the crisis humanity is facing.” –Teresa Foster, Naropa University

"It is great to see how some gifted people can condense a very broad and diverse area into easy to swallow, but tremendously important bits."
Harry B. Davis, Ph.D


"...beautifully written and unimpeachably well-informed." –Ross Gelbspan, author of Boiling Point and The Heat is On

"... a great blueprint for combating climate change…"
–Bryan Walsh, Time

"Brown is impassioned and convincing when talking about the world’s ills and what he considers the four great goals to restoring civilization’s equilibrium…"
–April Streeter, TreeHugger.com

"[Brown’s] ability to make a complicated subject accessible to the general reader is remarkable..."
–Katherine Salant, Washington Post

"In this impressively researched manifesto for change, Brown bluntly sets out the challenges and offers an achievable road map for solving the climate change crisis."
The Guardian

"This informative and encouraging book leads by example.”
–Nicki Ferguson, The Ecologist

"[Plan B 3.0] is a document the world’s leaders must take seriously.”
–Wildlife Activist

"... a levelheaded estimation and revelation of what we have done to this planet and an extrapolation of what effects a bankrupt environment will have on the sustainability of our existence.”
–Michael Braunstein, Omaha Weekly Reader

"The information contained in Plan B 3.0 is so utterly important to civilization as we know it, it should be mandatory reading by anyone seeking political office, and, frankly, should be read by, or read to, everyone on this planet. This is no joke.”
–R. Terry, Phoenix, AZ

"… an impressively detailed yet easily read compendium of the necessary information, coherently ordered to explain the new direction we must take.”
–Bryan Walker, New Zealand

"…No public officer or official should be without the information in this book.”
–Nick Hall, TeeMarket Works

"Plan B 3.0 is as good as it gets.”
–Geoffrey Holland, author of The Hydrogen Age

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"...in tackling a host of pressing issues in a single book, Plan B 2.0 makes for an eye-opening read." –
Dave Reay, Edinburgh University

"Lester Brown should receive a Nobel Peace Prize for his new book.”
–Talli Nauman, The Herald Mexico

"A great book which should wake up humankind!”
–Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

"Lester Brown tells us how to build a more just world and save the planet from climate change in a practical, straightforward way. We should all heed his advice.”
–President Bill Clinton

"I made this book the present day Bible that must be read and discussed in my course on Bioethics: Perspectives on Human Life, at Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY."
–Dr. Andrew Szebenyi S.J.

"The book was so factual and encouraging that I bought a dozen to share with my congregation in the hope of spreading the facts, stimulating concern, and seeing some personal action."
–Wolfger Schneider

"Plan B is exactly what we need to do to get sustainability moving. And it’s a very vital approach to it.”
–Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut

"…a masterpiece and the most compelling blueprint I have seen yet for restoring the planet.”
  –Tom Weis, enXco, Inc.

"An enormous achievement—a comprehensive guide to what's going wrong with earth's life support system and how to fix it."
–Grinning Planet

"Lester Brown at his very best.”
–Michael Marien, Future Survey

"Best book I've ever read."
–Steve Kirsch, Propel Software

"…wonderfully well done! I hope it will end up on the reading list of every important political leader on the planet.”
–Joseph Speidel MD, Professor, Bixby Center for Reproductive Health Research & Policy, University of California

"Let me be among the first of many to say this book warrants a Nobel Prize.”
–Tom Gause, TV 10-Fairfax Ct., TV 25-DC

"Plan B 2.0 is a great read: it motivates me to jump on a soapbox to tell everyone I know to act now."
–William Moore, Atlantic List Company

"...you've accomplished something that none of the other 'doomsday' books have done–a sense of the possibility that each one of us
can make a difference!" –Lynne Guenther

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"I believe ... it will be an instant classic."
E.O. Wilson

"Marvelous and inspiring book!"
Børge Brende, former Minister of Environment, Norway

"... highly interesting."
Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor of Germany

"... a timely examination of an issue that needs to move to the forefront of the global agenda."
Shimon Peres, Deputy Prime Minister, Israel

William McDonough, environmental architect

"... brilliant ... lights a path of hope."
James G.P. Dehlsen, wind power developer

"... enthralling!"
Peter Matthiessen, author

"[Eco-Economy's] timely release is sure to create interest."
William Clay Ford, Jr., Ford Motor Company

"[Eco-Economy] has given me a deeper insight and perspective on why my company is developing America's first offshore wind park."
Jim Gordon, Cape Wind Associates

"A lucid presentation of the most relevant and reliable information on our present ecological and economic crises."
Zev Naveh, Professor Emeritus, Technion, Israel

"... continues your great tradition of enlightened environmental discourse."
James Beverly, Illinois

"... a great resource for our work."
ASrIA, Hong Kong

"... insightful and credible."
Scott Wilson, Regenesis

"... a fine piece of work."
Christian Wihtol, The Register-Guard

Geoffrey Lean, The Observer, London

"Thanks to all of you at EPI for helping Lester Brown publish this book. It is the most exciting thing I have read and I fully intend to promote it to every business group I know!"
Dawn Ortiz Legg, San Luis Obispo, CA

"Your book is like a Bible for me!"
Yvan Schwob, PhD, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris

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"It's exciting ... a masterpiece!"
–Ted Turner

"Put Plan B in your 'A' list."
–Business Line, New Delhi

outstanding. We all really appreciate what you contribute so strongly to the betterment of our Planet!" –Peter Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden

"...should be required reading to live on our planet."
–John Curington

"The future might judge this book the most important ever to be written, and we strongly encourage you to get and read it."
–The Michael Consulting Group newsletter

"This is one of the most important books of our time."
–Dennis Morrison, InterSAN, Inc.

"A wise and timely game plan for dealing with a world economy that has lost sight of the natural limits of this planet's resources."
–Christopher Camuto

"...a masterpiece of clarity, scope and vision."
–Don Hamilton

"Plan B is so eloquent in summing up what is wrong, and then, most valuable of all, citing what is already working that can right our direction as a species. It really calls forth a significant response."
–Chetani McKinney, HS teacher

"I am using Plan B in my course 'Environmental Strategy and Policy' at the Warsaw University of Technology. It's most useful!"
–Janusz Kindler

"What a monumental treasure you have provided in Plan B! Thank you so much for your work in rescuing the world."
–Frank Sanitate, Coalition for Our Children's Children

"Thank you for Plan B. I feel it is waking me from a long sleep."
–Eva Sheckler

"Congratulations on publishing this excellently educative book that should be obligatory reading for every politician all around the world."
–Piret Kuldna, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center, Estonia

"The power of Brown's analysis in Plan B is in the interplay between the depth of its details and the sweep of its overview. He works, as always, on several fronts--presenting, with new information, what is going dangerously wrong; detailing doable responses; and offering a consistent vision, showing us the way towards building a society which values life and wants to survive. Lester Brown's insights, and their implication for action, never cease."
–Bernard Tuchman, NY Academy of Sciences

"[Plan B] is a clear and remarkable summation of a new plan for society."
–Gianfranco Bologna, World Wildlife Fund Italy

"... very inspirational."
–Stuart L. Smits, Blue Frontier Campaign

"Plan B holds out hope that action to reverse negative trends can be taken if there is wise leadership and a redirection of financial resources. It is a useful action guide for those already active in ecologically sound development and will hopefully help to swell the ranks."
–René Wadlow, Transnational Perspectives

"Plan B provides what may be the most complete description to date about why we must change the status quo and how we must change it."
David Paxson

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"You are a great writer for a politician to read." –Tony Worthington, Member of Parliament, UK

"I think your information should be front page news around the globe and I commend you and your organization for the work you do."
–Gilbert Satchell

"We receive the regular e-mail updates from the Earth Policy Institute and find them very enlightening. In fact they are fundamental in molding our opinions regarding the environment and the economy."
–AgriCents, Limited Company

"Of all the junk that I get in my in-box, your newsletters are among the few insightful gems."
–Max Jaramillo, Latin Press Inc.

"With so much going wrong in the world, it is good to hear a hopeful voice now and again."
–Nathan Brody

"... extremely interesting and helpful."
–Sirkka Pryry, European university professor

"Your Updates are among the most important emails I receive. They both inspire and educate. Keep up the great work." –Steve Krueger, KPLU radio

"The use of your materials in my graduate degree program was invaluable. Thank you so much for the unselfish and complete information you provide."
–Andrew Mayer, MPA, Portland State University

[On The Earth Policy Reader] "Every decisionmaker and voter on the planet should read and study this thought-provoking book."
–Wildlife Activist

"I wish everyone on the planet would read your site and your books."
–Maui Tomorrow

"Lester Brown is a clear-eyed watcher of our relationship to the environment."
Lin Rolens, Santa Barbara News-Press