

Selected Examples of Aquifer Depletion
Country Region Description of Depletion
China North China Plain Water table falling by 2-3 meters per year under much of the Plain. As pumping costs rise, farmers are abandoning irrigation.
United States Southern Great Plains Irrigation is heavily dependent on water from Ogallala aquifer, largely a fossil aquifer. Irrigated area in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas is shrinking as aquifer is depleted.
Pakistan Punjab Water table is falling under the Punjab and in the provinces of Baluchistan and North West Frontier.
India Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and other states Water tables falling by 1-3 meters per year in some parts. In some states extraction is double the recharge. In the Punjab, India's breadbasket water table falling by nearly 1 meter per year.
Iran Chenaran Plain, northeastern Iran Water table was falling by 2.8 meters per year but in 2001 drought and drilling of new wells to supply nearby city of Mashad dropped it by 8 meters.
Yemen Entire country Water table falling by 2 meters per year throughout country and 6 meters a year in Sana'a basin. Nation's capital, Sana'a, could run out of water by end of this decade.
Mexico State of Guanajuato In this agricultural state, the water table is falling by 1.8-3.3 meters per year.
Source: China from Michael Ma, "Northern Cities Sinking as Water Table Falls," South China Morning Post, 11 August 2001; United States from Postel, Sandra Postel, Pillar of Sand (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999), and from Bonnie Terrell and Phillip N. Johnson, "Economic Impact of the Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer: A Case Study of the Southern High Plains of Texas", presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting in Nashville, TN, 8-11 August 1999; Pakistan, India, and Mexico in Tushaar Shah et al., The Global Groundwater Situation: Overview of Opportunities and Challenges (Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute, 2000); Postel, op. cit. this note; Iran from Chenaran Agricultural Center, Ministry of Agriculture, according to Hamid Taravati, publisher, Iran, e-mail to author, 25 June 2002; Christoper Ward, "Yemen's Water Crisis," based on a lecture to the British Yemeni Society in September 2000, July 2001.



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