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Earth Policy Institute Resources on TEMPERATURE and CLIMATE

Global Temperature Indicator

Eco-Economy Indicators are twelve trends that the Earth Policy Institute tracks to measure progress in building an eco-economy. Taking the earth's temperature tells us about the relative health of the planet.

With the record for 2007 now complete, it is clear that temperatures around the world are continuing their upward climb. The global average in 2007 was 14.73 degrees Celsius (58.5 degrees Fahrenheit)—the second warmest year on record, only 0.03 degrees Celsius behind the 2005 maximum. January 2007 was the hottest January ever measured, a full 0.23 degrees Celsius warmer than the previous record. August was also a record for that month and September was the second warmest September recorded. MORE...

Key Data Related to TEMPERATURE and CLIMATE:

Average Global Temperature, 1880-2007 figure table

Average Global Temperature by Decade, 1880-2007

Atmospheric Concentration of Carbon Dioxide, 1000-2007

Average Global Temperature, 1880-2007, with Projections to 2100


2006 Temperature Indicator

2004 Temperature Indicator

From the Eco-Economy Updates:

Timeline for The Beginning of the End for Coal (2 April 2008)

U.S. Moving Toward Ban on New Coal-Fired Power Plants (14 February 2008)

Is World Oil Production Peaking? (15 November 2007)

Ban the Bulb: Worldwide Shift from Incandescents to Compact Fluorescents Could Close 270 Coal-Fired Power Plants (9 May 2007)

The Earth Is Shrinking: Advancing Deserts and Rising Seas Squeezing Civilization (15 November 2006)

Hurricane Damages Soar to New Levels: Insurance Companies Abandoning Homeowners in High-Risk Coastal Areas (29 August 2006)

Global Warming Forcing U.S. Coastal Population to Move Inland: An Estimated 250,000 Katrina Evacuees are Now Climate Refugees
(16 August 2006)

Setting the Record Straight: More than 52,000 Europeans Died from Heat in Summer 2003
 (28 July 2006)

Let's Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes
(11 May 2006)

U.S. Mayors Respond to Washington Leadership Vacuum on Climate Change (3 May 2006)

Wind Energy Demand Booming (22 March 2006)

The Short Path to Oil Independence (13 October 2004)

Coal Takes Heavy Human Toll (24 August 2004)

Saudis Have U.S. Over a Barrel (14 April 2004)

Europe Leading World Into Age of Wind Energy (8 April 2004)

Glaciers and Sea Ice Endangered by Rising Temperatures (22 January 2004)

Coal: U.S. Promotes While Canada and Europe Move Beyond (3 December 2003)

Record Heat Wave in Europe Takes 35,000 Lives (9 October 2003)

World Facing Fourth Consecutive Grain Harvest Shortfall (17 September 2003)

Record Temperatures Shrinking World Grain Harvest (27 August 2003)

Wind Power Set to Become World's Leading Energy Source (25 June 2003)

Global Temperature Near Record for 2002 (11 December 2002)

Rising Temperatures & Falling Water Tables Raising Food Prices (21 August 2002)

Earth's Ice Melting Faster Than Projected (12 March 2002)

World Wind Generating Capacity Jumps 31 Percent in 2001 (8 January 2002)

This Year May be Second Warmest on Record (18 December 2001)

Rising Sea Level Forcing Evacuation of Island Country (15 November 2001)

Wind Power: The Missing Link in the Bush Energy Plan (31 May 2001)

Climate Change Has World Skating On Thin Ice (29 August 2000)

The Rise and Fall of the Global Climate Coalition (25 July 2000)



From PLAN B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

Plan B 3.0

Buy Paperback
Buy Hardback

Chapter 3 - Rising Temperatures and Rising Seas Stabilizing Climate
Rising Temperature and its Effects
    The Crop Yield Effect
    Reservoirs in the Sky
    Melting Ice and Rising Seas
    More Destructive Storms
    Cutting Carbon 80 Percent by 2020

Chapter 11 - Raising Energy Efficiency Stabilizing Climate
    Banning the Bulb
    Energy-Efficient Appliances
    More-Efficient Buildings
    Restructuring the Transport System
    A New Materials Economy
    The Energy Savings Potential

Chapter 12 - Turning to Renewable Energy Stabilizing Climate
    Harnessing the Wind
    Wind-Powered Plug-In Hybrid Cars
    Solar Cells and Collectors
    Energy from the Earth
    Plant-Based Sources of Energy
    River, Tidal, and Wave Power
    The World Energy Economy of 2020

Chapter 13 - The Great Mobilization Stabilizing Climate
 Summing Up Climate Stabilization Measures



From PLAN B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

Buy Paperback

Chapter 4- Rising Temperatures and Rising Seas
Rising Temperature and Its Effects
The Crop Yield Effect
Reservoirs in the Sky
Melting Ice and Rising Seas
More Destructive Storms
Subsidizing Climate Change

Chapter 10- Stabilizing Climate
Raising Energy Productivity
Harnessing the Wind
Hybrid Cars and Wind Power
Converting Sunlight to Electricity
Energy from the Earth
Cutting Carbon Emissions Fast

From Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security Challenge in the Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures




Chapter 7 - Stabilizing Climate
Rising Temperatures, Falling Yields
Temperature Trends and Effects
Raising Energy Efficiency
Turning to Renewable Energy Sources



From Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

Buy Paperback

Chapter 4 - Rising Temperatures and Rising Seas icon2
The Temperature Record
The Yield Effect
Reservoirs in the Sky
Melting Ice and Rising Seas
More Destructive Storms
Subsidizing Climate Change

Chapter 9 - Cutting Carbon Emissions in Half icon2
Raising Energy Productivity
Harnessing the Wind
Converting Sunlight into Electricity
Energy from the Earth
Building the Hydrogen Economy
Cutting Carbon Emissions

From Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth

Chapter 2 -
Signs of Stress: Climate and Water icon 3

Temperature is Rising
The Ice is Melting

Sea Level Rising
More Destructive Storms
Rivers Drained Dry
Falling Water Tables
Facing Water Scarcity

Chapter 5 - Building a Solar/Hydrogen Economy icon 3

The Energy Efficiency Base
Harnessing the Wind

Turning Sunlight into Electricity
Tapping the Earth's Heat
Natural Gas: The Transitional Fuel
Getting to the Hydrogen Economy




Earth Policy Institute
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