Chapter 8. Protecting Forest Products and Services
Lester R. Brown, Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth
(W.W. Norton & Co., NY: 2001).
There are many definitions of sustainable
forestry, most having to do with the sustainable yield of timber.
A more appropriate definition, a broader and more relevant one,
includes the capacity of the forest to supply both products and
services sustainably. In many situations, the latter is now far
more important than the former.
Despite the high value of intact forests, only about 290 million
hectares of global forest area are legally protected from logging
(See Table 8-3.) An additional 1.4 billion hectares are unavailable
for harvesting because of economic deterrents. Of the remaining
area available for exploitation, 665 million hectares are undisturbed
by humans and nearly 900 million hectares are seminatural and not
in plantations.24
One type of forest that is marginal in economic terms is that supporting
only low-quality wood, with few, if any, commercial species. Protected
from timber harvesting by their poor quality, such forests continue
to provide services. In other forests, logging is precluded solely
because of physical or infrastructure constraints. Unfortunately,
these areas can quickly become accessible to the chainsaw if the
forest products industry or a government invests in transportation
or other infrastructure.25
A large share of the forests that are protected by national decree
are safeguarded not so much to preserve the long-term wood supply
capacity as to ensure that the forest can continue to provide services.
Countries that take this step often have been heavily deforested.
The Philippines, for example, has banned all logging in old-growth
and virgin forests largely because the country has become so vulnerable
to flooding, erosion, and landslides. Once covered by rich stands
of tropical hardwood forests, the Philippines was a major exporter
of forest products. But after years of massive clearcutting, the
country became a net importer of forest products. It lost both the
goods and the services provided by its forests.26
Although some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have been working
for years to protect forests or restrict their exploitation, public
institutions such as the World Bank have only recently begun to
consider sustainable forestry systematically. The Bank's current
goal is to have 200 million hectares of forestland in its client
countries under sustainable management by 2005. It proposes to have
50 million hectares of natural forest that is high in biological
diversity under protection by 2005.27
For many landowners in the tropics who lack access to timber markets,
trees are seen simply as an obstacle to agriculture or ranchingsomething
to be burned or cut down. They are not interested in either the
goods or the services provided. These forests are difficult to protect.
Where forest products are exported, access to timber markets can
often be used to ensure that forests are managed sustainably. NGOs
and governments in many importing countries are requiring that all
timber marketed, including both domestically produced and imported
timber, be certified as coming from sustainably managed forests.
(For further discussion of forest certification, see Chapter 11.)
There are several forest products certification programs, which
have varying success in promoting sustainable forestry. These link
environmentally conscious consumers with the management of the forest
where the product originates. Some certification programs are national
while others are international. Some of the latter originate with
the importing countries and others with exporters.
The most rigorous international program that is certified by a number
of NGOs worldwide is the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Some
24 million hectares of forests in 45 countries are certified by
FSC-accredited bodies as responsibly managed. Among the leaders
in certified forest area are Sweden, with 10 million hectares; the
United States, with nearly 3 million hectares; Bolivia, with over
1 million hectares; and South Africa and Brazil with just under
1 million hectares each.28
On the export end of the sustainable forest products industry, Brazil
has also developed a national certification program. It is called
Cerflor, a System for the Certification of Origin of Forest Raw
Materials. This initiative was economically motivated so that Brazilian
pulp and paper products would have an ecolabel to ensure access
to the European Union market. The label aimed to distinguish Brazilian
forestry products from those of other countries that might not be
managing their forests sustainably. In the case of Brazil, this
was a relatively easy goal to reach simply because so much of its
paper comes from plantations.29
Although the world is far from managing its forests well, the concept
of sustainable forest management is taking root to some degree in
many parts of the world. It at least holds out the hope that the
annual forest loss of 13 million hectares in developing countries
can be reduced and eventually eliminated as balance is restored
between the production and harvesting of forestry products. Arresting
the deforestation would also help protect the services that forests
currently provide.30
Table 8-3. Area of World Forestland Available
and Unavailable for Wood Supply |
Classification |
for wood supply
Semi-natural |
Natural |
for wood supply |
Legal restrictions |
restriction |
or infrastructure constraints |
Total forested
area |
Source: See endnote 24. |
24. Table 8-3 from FAO, op. cit. note 6. The total forested area
of 3.2 billion hectares differs from the figure of 3.9 billion hectares
cited throughout the chapter because it is from an older FAO assessment
that uses a more narrow definition of forest cover.
25. Ibid.
26. Johanna Son, "Philippines: Row Rages Over Lifting of Ban on
Lumber Exports," InterPress Service, 17 April 1998.
27. World Bank, Forests and Forestry Sector,,
viewed 26 July 2001.
28. World Wide Fund for Nature, The Forest Industry in the 21st
Century (Surrey, UK: 2001); Forest Stewardship Council, Forests
Certified by FSC-Accredited Bodies,, updated 30 June
29. Steven Schwartzman and Molly Kingston, Global Deforestation,
Timber, and the Struggle for Sustainability: Making the Label Stick
(Washington, DC: Environmental Defense, 1997), p. 51; FAO, "Brazil,"
in FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products, The State
of the Industry, Forty-first Session, Rotura, New Zealand, 2-3 May
30. Forest loss from FAO, op. cit. note 6, p. 156.
© 2001 Earth Policy Institute