Chapter 12. Accelerating the Transition
Lester R. Brown, Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth
(W.W. Norton & Co., NY: 2001).
Few areas of human activity have been so
dominated by NGOs as the environmental movement. Broadly speaking,
NGOs evolve to fill gaps left by government and the business sector.
Literally thousands of such groups have been formed in both industrial
and developing societies. Most NGOs are public interest groups as
opposed to special interest groups.
Environmental groups are sometimes local, single-issue organizations
with a handful of members. Others are full-spectrum groups that
are global in their membership and orientation. Membership may vary
from a handful of people to several million. The World Wide Fund
for Nature (WWF), for example, with a worldwide membership that
climbed from 570,000 in 1985 to 5.2 million in 1995, has an influence
on environmental policy that exceeds that of many governments. Environmental
groups play a major educational role through their press releases,
magazines, newsletters, Web sites, and electronic mailing lists.
When coalitions mobilize to focus on a single issue, they can become
a formidable political force.30
Using the Internet to mobilize political support for environmental
actions is a valuable new asset in the effort to build an eco-economy.
Thousands of environmental NGOs have Web sites and electronic mailing
lists that provide information on key issues. Concerned individuals
can develop their own electronic mailing lists, distributing environmental
information to hundreds, if not thousands, of friends and associates.
Research by environmental groups provides information to guide environmental
activists. The Worldwatch Institute, founded in 1974 in Washington,
D.C., was the first such global environmental research group, followed
by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in 1982, also in Washington,
and the Wuppertal Institute in Germany. Research by these and other
groups underpinned much of the discussion at the Earth Summit in
Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
The annual State of the World report launched by Worldwatch
in 1984 was designed to fill the gap in the series of U.N. annual
reports. For example, the World Health Organization produces The
State of the World's Health, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
publishes The State of Food and Agriculture, and the U.N.
Population Fund, The State of the World's Population. But
until UNEP launched a comprehensive Global Environmental Outlook
report, the United Nations had failed to produce a regular state
of the environment report. As evidence of the hunger for environmental
information, Worldwatch Institute's annual State of the World
report has been translated into more than 30 languages.
The World Resources Institute is anchoring a worldwide collaborative
effort on a "Millennium Ecosystem Assessment." This project, in
which WRI has involved the World Bank, UNEP, and the U.N. Development
Programme, is by far the most ambitious, detailed assessment of
global ecosystems ever undertaken. Involving major scientific bodies
and hundreds of scientists, this project is designed to provide
information on the present and likely future condition of the world's
ecosystems to guide future ecosystem management.31
At the other end of the environmental spectrum is Greenpeace, an
activist organization. It shares the same goals as the research
institutes, but whereas they rely on analysis and information to
bring about change, Greenpeace relies primarily on political confrontation
and media events that can rally public opinion. Even the threat
of a boycott of a company product can induce changes in corporate
policy. This was perhaps most dramatically displayed in 1996, when
Shell was planning to dispose of a wornout oil rig, the Brent Spar,
by simply dumping it in the North Sea. Greenpeace's attack on Shell
over this plan took the form of a boycott of service stations in
Germany. In the face of declining gasoline sales, Shell acquiesced
and developed another means of disposal.32
NGOs have greatly strengthened their role at the international level
as a result of advances in communication, including the fax machine,
e-mail, and the cell phone. In 1998, for example, governments of
29 of the more affluent countries entered into closed-door negotiations
on a multilateral agreement on investment. NGOs mounted a worldwide
challenge to this secretive process and aroused so much public concern
that they were able to bring it to a halt. The groups that objected
to these negotiations were concerned that this agreement on investment
would lead to a downward spiral in both environmental standards
and wagesin
the words of one analyst, "a race to the cellar."33
In late 1999, the World Trade Organization (WTO), which was founded
in 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade, convened a meeting in Seattle to develop the agenda for a
new round of trade talksthe
Millennium Round. Although only a few years old, the WTO had gained
a reputation for recognizing only bottom-line economic issues. It
seemed more or less oblivious to environmental and social issues
affected by trade policy decisions. In virtually every case involving
conflicts between trade expansion and environmental protection,
the WTO had ruled in favor of trade expansion.34
The WTO had set off alarm bells for those in environmental groups,
in organized labor, and in developing countries, which often came
out on the wrong end of trade liberalization negotiations. The Seattle
meeting was attended by some 5,000 delegates and political leaders,
including environment and trade ministers, from more than 150 countries.
But there were also 50,000 protesters who used civil disobedience
to disrupt transportation and the convening and progress of the
talks. The U.S. National Guard intervened, using tear gas and arresting
hundreds of protesters in a response reminiscent of anti-war demonstrations
of the early 1970s. A dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed. Fifty square
blocks in downtown Seattle were set aside as a "no protest zone."35
In the end, the talks collapsed largely because of public criticism
of the failure to consider environment and poverty adequately. WTO
officials were in a state of shock and may never be the same again.
Nor should they be. If they were not aware of environmental and
social issues before the protests in Seattle, they are now. Most
U.N. agencies, the World Bank, and national governments now recognize
that NGOs are stakeholders, that they often represent societal interests
even more effectively than do elected politicians, who are sometimes
corrupted by the political process. NGOs have acquired experience,
expertise, and skill in analyzing issues and in confronting governments
that they believe are behaving irresponsibly. They are now treated
less as mere critics on the sidelines and more as partners in negotiations
and in developing agendas for international conferences.
From time to time, a government or group of governments sides with
NGOs on an issue. In 1997, for example, Taiwan announced a plan
to dispose of nuclear waste in North Korea. Unwilling or unable
to dispose of it within its boundaries, the government was taking
advantage of the abysmal poverty in North Korea to buy a place to
dump the waste from nuclear power plants. The government of South
Korea and the powerful Korean Federation of Environmental Movement
combined forces in opposition to this plan. In the end, they succeeded.36
In 1997, a loose array of some 400 NGOs and the Canadian government
launched an effort to ban the use of landmines. Although the United
States was opposed to the effort, the NGOs mobilized enough public
opinion to get the signatures of 122 governments on the landmine-banning
treaty. By now, 117 countries have ratified the accord, which went
into force on 1 March 1999. New communications technologies played
a central role in mobilizing worldwide political support in support
of the ban.37
Individuals also play an important role in the global environmental
movement. Indeed, Rachel Carson, who wrote Silent Spring,
is widely credited with being the founder of the modern environmental
movement. Her book, which dealt with the use of pesticides, such
as DDT, that were threatening bird populations, filled a gap because
the U.S. government was not responding to this threat.
Ted Turner, founder of CNN, set the standard for individual philanthropy
when in 1997 he announced his gift of $1 billion to the United Nations
to support work on population stabilization, environmental protection,
and the provision of health care. He created the UN Foundation to
serve as a vehicle through which the resources could be transferred.
Turner could have waited, leaving a bequest to set up the foundation
after his death. But given the urgency of the situation, he argued
that billionaires needed to respond now to the world's most pressing
problems before they spin out of control, becoming unmanageable.
It is quite likely that Turner's initiative affected Bill Gates
of Microsoft and other newly minted billionaires. Gates himself
has now set up the world's largest foundation and is allocating
sums of money that dwarf the resources of many governments in an
effort to improve health and stabilize population in developing
At the grassroots level, Wangari Maathai, who has organized women
in Kenya to plant trees, serves as a model for environmentalists
everywhere. She wants to reforest Kenya and restore its environmental
health. Because she often challenges corrupt political leaders,
she has been beaten and threatened numerous times. Similarly, Chico
Mendes organized rubber tappers in the Amazon who depend on the
trees for their livelihoods. They opposed the large ranchers who
wanted to convert these forested regions to rangeland. Although
Mendes paid the ultimate price when he was gunned down by killers
hired by the ranchers, the movement he started continues.39
NGOs and individuals have been instrumental in bringing about many
basic changes, playing a leading role in bringing the growth of
nuclear power to a halt, in raising public awareness of climate
change, and in putting water scarcity on the global agenda. The
challenge to environmental groups now is to broaden their agendas
so they can promote a shared vision of an eco-economy and can work
together to make it a reality.
WWF membership growth from Curtis Runyan, "Action on the Front Lines,"
World Watch, November/December 1999, p. 14.
31. World Resources Institute, World Resources 2000-2001 (Washington,
DC: 2001).
32. Greenpeace and Brent Spar in P.J. Simmons, "Learning to Live
with NGOs," Foreign Policy, fall 1998, p. 90.
33. Runyan, op. cit. note 30.
34. "A WTO Primer," Time, 5 December 2000.
35. Richard Lacayo, "Rage Against the Machine," Time, 13 December
36. Choi Yul, Director General of Korean Federation of Environmental
Movement, discussion with author, 3 June 1997.
37. From International Campaign to Ban Landmines,,
updated as of 17 July 2001.
38. David Rhode, "Ted Turner Plans a $1 Billion Gift for U.N. Agencies,"
New York Times, 19 September 1997; John Donnelly, "Bill Gates, Caregiver:
The Microsoft Founder is Spending Billions to Provide Health Services
to the World's Poor," Boston Globe, 24 December 2000.
39. Elissa Sonnenberg, "Environmental Hero: Wangari Maathai," Environmental
News Network, 25 September 2000; Andrew Revkin, The Burning Season:
The Murder of Chico Mendes and the Fight for the Amazon Rain Forest
(New York: Plume, 1994).
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